Strange Equations

I am terrible at math. I wouldn't say I had a strong subject at school but math was definitely my weakest. I've been told before I'm dyslexic although I was never diagnosed. It wasn't a thing when I was a kid. I received a letter in the mail. It was tucked in a yellow envelope that was sealed with some sort of glue. Folded up inside was a paper with strange writing in red marker. I'm so ignorant, that when I first opened it I didn't even know what I was looking at. I thought they were weird scribbles with no meaning but I showed some folks at work and the thought it looked like some sort of math problem. Great, just my luck! I've stared at this a lot. I've shown it to a lot of people. I still can't begin to tell you what it is or what it means. I can tell you what it's not. It's not my handwriting. It is unfortunate it was written with marker because some of the smaller letters are difficult to make out....